java - Returning the position in list in Android with OnClickListener on Button -

i have looked on internet , must missing something. task seems simple , have found few other post have yet able mine work. following code (sorry i'm new java , android if have done things not best practice apologize.) anyhow situation,

i have listview populates few text fields database, @ right side of these text boxes have created delete button , record (row) deleted when corresponding delete button pressed. have created onclicklistener button unable obtain position in list view button has been clicked.

--------------------------------------------------- textview  textview    | delete button --------------------------------------------------- textview  textview    | delete button --------------------------------------------------- 


public class calccursoradapter extends simplecursoradapter implements filterable{      private context mcontext;     private listview mlistview;     private int mlayout;      protected static class viewholder {         protected textview text;         protected imagebutton button;         private int position;       }       @suppresswarnings("deprecation")     public calccursoradapter(context context, int layout, cursor c, string[] from, int[] to)      {         super(context, layout, c, from, to);         this.mcontext = context;         this.mlayout = layout;          //mlistview = .getlistview();      }         @override     public void bindview(view view, context context, cursor cursor) {         textview summary = (textview)view.findviewbyid(;         textview savings = (textview)view.findviewbyid(;         summary.settext(cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindexorthrow("qcfinalprice")));         savings.settext(cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindexorthrow("qcsavings")));        }      @override     public view newview(context context, cursor cursor, viewgroup parent) {         viewholder holder = new viewholder();          layoutinflater inflater = layoutinflater.from(context);         view v = inflater.inflate(r.layout.calc_list_item, parent, false);          holder.button = (imagebutton) v.findviewbyid(;         holder.button.setonclicklistener(deletebutton);          bindview(v, context, cursor);         v.settag(holder);         return v;      }      private onclicklistener deletebutton = new onclicklistener() {         public void onclick(view v){              toast.maketext(mcontext.getapplicationcontext(), "test", toast.length_short).show();         }     };      public long qcitemid(int position) {         return position;     } } 

i have looked @ many examples , lot of time array adapters, other thing have found people override getview function , under impression perform said task without doing that. also, don't want list item iteslef clickable, button... seems should such simple question have been looking... apologize if covered somewhere , have missed it, have spent last 4 hours searching web trying find fix!

anyhow, appreciated!

thank you.

malachi's link points right direction. there's 1 tiny little detail missing. cursor has method getposition() returns position of cursor in row set. store value in viewholder , you're set:

holder.position = c.getposition(); 

in onclicklistener retrieve viewholder , position contains:

viewholder holder = (viewholder) v.gettag(); int position = holder.position; 

the position can used retrieve underlying data:

object mydata = getitem(position); 


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