playframework 2.0 - HTML attribute in Scala Template -
i java developer started learn play framework. have been trying below template working cant seem it. have got following in scala template
@navitem(label: string, link1: string) = { @{if (application.isauthenticated()) { <li class="active"> <a href="@link1">label</a> </li> } else { <li class="disabled"> <a href="@link1">{label}</a> </li> } } }
i calling later in template so
<ul class="nav"> @navitem("search documents", "/search") </ul>
the generated link has href localhost:9000/@link1
instead of localhost:9000/search
. not sure whats going on.
ps: if change template below works fine. want understand why above template wont work.
@navitem(label: string, link1: string) = { <li class="@(if (application.isauthenticated()) "active" else "disabled")"> <a href="@link">@label</a> </li> }
not quite sure this, guess following: @{ ... }
indicates beginning of dynamic statement , of content treated scala code. thus, normal if-condition 2 strings result, both of returned in template.
why marking multi-line code block anyway? have tried this? (note missing curly braces after 2nd @
@navitem(label: string, link1: string) = { @if(application.isauthenticated()) { <li class="active"> <a href="@link1">@label</a> </li> } else { <li class="disabled"> <a href="@link1">@label</a> </li> } }
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