How to get a value for "foreground" in tkinter/ttk python? -

i have label object, going changing background colour of, , have way check background colour @ given time. example:

root=tk() label=ttk.label(root, text="hello there", background="#000000", foreground="#ffffff") label.pack() root.mainloop() 

saying oldfg=label.cget("foreground") , calling oldfg gives rather ambiguous <color object @ 0x04078168> . there way hexidecimal or rgb representation of colour, or can use in way?

edit: in title foreground, in code background, same thing applies both.

i think you have answered own question prove point:

import tkinter tk   def swapsies():     oldfg = label.cget("foreground")     oldbg = label.cget("background")     label.config(background=oldfg, foreground=oldbg)     print "foreground: {0} background: {1}".format(oldfg, oldbg)   root = label = tk.label(root, text="hello there", background="#000000", foreground="#ffffff") label.pack(side=tk.left) mega_button = tk.button(root, text="go!", command=swapsies) mega_button.pack(side=tk.left)  root.mainloop() 

has output off, , clicking button swaps colours:

"foreground: #ffffff background: #000000" 


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