Why won't git ignore a bin folder in my submodule? -

git isn't correctly ignoring bin folder of 1 of submodules. ideas why?

here git status in submodule:

mbpr:$ git status # on branch master # untracked files: #   (use "git add <file>..." include in committed) # #   bin/ #   gen/ 

here git status in root:

mbpr:$ git status # on branch develop # changes not staged commit: #   (use "git add <file>..." update committed) #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." discard changes in working directory) #   (commit or discard untracked or modified content in submodules) # #   modified:   cwac-loaderex (untracked content) # 

here .gitignore:

mbpr:$ cat .gitignore .metadata bin gen local.properties 

this works correctly other submodules, submodule in particular refuses ignore bin , gen folders. have deleted , re-added submodule repeatedly, no avail.


each submodule being full repo on own, expect .gitignore parent repo not apply submodule.

that mean need add .gitignore in submodule cwac-loaderex in order ignore directories.

but if parent-level .gitignore does apply submodule, rules (to ignore directories) should be:

mbpr:$ cat .gitignore .metadata bin/ gen/ local.properties 

note '/' after bin or gen.


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