recursion - I'm having trouble writing a recursive function in JavaScript - it doesn't seem to "fall back" to the lesser depth correctly -

            var dicetoroll = [2,2];              var dicerolled = new array();                function recurse(dicetoroll, dicerolled) {                       roll = dicetoroll[0]                                         dicelefttoroll = dicetoroll;                                 dicelefttoroll.shift();                                   for(loop=1; loop<(roll+1); loop++) {                         result = dicerolled;                                             result.push(loop);                                            if(dicelefttoroll.length == 0) {                                 console.log(result);                             result.pop();                      } else {                         recurse(dicelefttoroll, result);                     }                 }             }              recurse(dicetoroll, dicerolled);     

i'm trying write recursive function prints possible results of number of dice. example, dd100 (dicetoroll = [6, 10, 10, 100])(dicetoroll = [6, 6, 6, 6, 6]) etc. in example have used simplest case(or 2 2-sided dice).

i expected results [1,1], [1,2], [2,1], [2,2] logs [1,1], [1,2]. same number or type of dice - deepest level of recursion works correctly.

i figure i'm missing obvious in logic of / or misunderstanding variable scope in javascript, i'm struggling head around it.

edit 1 (to make explanation of program's purpose clearer)

the programs purpose list possible values on number of dice. dice 6 implies range of values 1..6. likewise, two-sided dice, 2, implies range of values 1..2. 2 two-sided dice in example (dicetoroll[2,2]) possible values 1,1 1,2 2,1 , 2,2 - should returned.

there several issues code:

  1. use var keyword in order define local variables.

  2. assigning array variable not copies content, reference same array. use array.slice() if want clone array.

here fixed function:

var dicetoroll = [2,2],     dicerolled = [];   function recurse(dicetoroll, dicerolled) {           var roll = dicetoroll[0],         dicelefttoroll = dicetoroll.slice(1),         loop,         result;                       for(loop=1; loop<=roll; loop++) {             result = dicerolled.slice(0);                                 result.push(loop);                                if(dicelefttoroll.length === 0) {                     console.log(result);                 result.pop();          } else {             recurse(dicelefttoroll, result);         }     } }  recurse(dicetoroll, dicerolled); 


dicetoroll = dicetoroll.slice(1) 

is equivalent to

dicetoroll = dicetoroll.slice(0); dicetoroll.shift(); 

fiddle here:


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