ios - When segue returns, what method is called? -
i have uitableview in uipopover; when tap on row in uitableview, go scene (uiview) start , stop times uidatepicker; using button returns calling uitableview, want take start , stop times , place them in couple of rows. save results in appdelegate don't lose them, done elsewhere.
question is: when dismiss uiview datepicker, how can change rows in uitableview when reappears? tried -viewwillappear, never hits after uiview dismissed. there method can use?
how adding notification observer uitableview class, e.g.
[[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserverforname:@"updatetable" object:self queue:[nsoperationqueue mainqueue] usingblock:^(nsnotification *note) { [self.mytableview reloaddata]; }];
and when dismiss uiview send notification
[[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] postnotificationname:@"updatetable" object:nil];
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