Hash set add and search functions don't work properly - c++ -
i'm trying implement hash set. seems search function , add function don't work properly. add function lets me add person(which has phonenumber , name) when 2 persons in collision, something's not going well. collisions solved through separate chaining , persons added @ end of linked lists. made tests using assertions on search function. if element exists in set, there's no problem if doesn't exist, assertions fails. here's code:
#ifndef set_h_ #define set_h_ //#include "person.h" class set{ private: class node{ private: person info; node* next; public: node(){ this->next=null; } node(person info, node* next){ this->info=info; this->next=next; } node(const node& node){ this->info=node.info; this->next=node.next; } ~node(){} person getinfo(){ return this->info; } node* getnext(){ return this->next; } void setnext(node* value){ this->next=value; } void setinfo(person el){ this->info=el; } }; node** head; int size; int* bucketsize; int totalelements; public: set(); ~set(); int hashfunction(long long int); bool isemptyatindex(int index); bool isempty(); bool search(person e); void add(person e); int totalelementsintheset(){ return this->totalelements; } int hashsize(){ return this->size; } int bucketnumberofelements(int index){ return this->bucketsize[index]; } }; set::set(){ this->size=11; this->head = new set::node*[this->size]; this->bucketsize= new int[this->size]; for(int i=0; < this->size; i++){ this->head[i]=null; this->bucketsize[i]=0; } totalelements = 0; } set::~set(){ delete[] head; delete[] bucketsize; } int set::hashfunction(long long int nr){ int sum=0; int divisor=10; while(nr != 0){ sum+=nr % divisor; nr=nr / divisor; } int hashcode = sum % size; return hashcode; } bool set::isempty(){ if(totalelements==0){ return true; } return false; } void set::add(person p){ if(search(p)==false){ int index = hashfunction(p.getphonenumber()); node* addnode = new set::node(p,null); if(head[index]==null){ head[index]=addnode; ++totalelements; ++bucketsize[index]; } else{ node* cursor = head[index]; while(cursor != null){ cursor = cursor->getnext(); } addnode->setnext(cursor->getnext()); cursor->setnext(addnode); ++totalelements; ++bucketsize[index]; } } else{ cout<<"there's person given phone number!"; } } bool set::search(person p){ int index = hashfunction(p.getphonenumber()); if(head[index]==null){ return false; } else{ node* cursor = head[index]; while((cursor->getinfo().getphonenumber() != p.getphonenumber()) , cursor != null){ cursor = cursor->getnext(); } if(cursor->getinfo().getphonenumber()== p.getphonenumber()){ return true; } } return false; } #endif /* set_h_ */
where doing wrong?
here's problem:
node* cursor = head[index]; while (cursor != null) { cursor = cursor->getnext(); } addnode->setnext(cursor->getnext());
when exit while loop, cursor
null. therefore, cursor->getnext()
produce access violation.
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